Where to Start

Where to start

Dr. Larkin likes to see patients around age 7 to start monitoring them. At this early age, we can not only monitor their growth but we can also determine if any early intervention is needed. Some kids need a “Phase 1” treatment, which can start around age 9 and allows for us to help their adult teeth come in properly.

Phase 1

Phase 1 treatment starts when the patient has their adult incisors and first molars present. This treatment stage allows us to start aligning the teeth early and make sure there is enough room for the remaining permanent teeth to come in. Phase 1 treatment usually last about a year and sometimes, but not always, results in a Phase 2 of treatment once all of the patients adult teeth have erupted. In a lot of cases, however, this early intervention of a Phase 1 eliminates the need for braces in the future!

Comprehensive Treatment

Comprehensive treatment starts once all of a patient’s permanent teeth are in and no baby teeth remain, typically around age 12. Comprehensive treatment is for everyone looking to straighten their teeth, orthodontics has no age limit! Treatment times vary patient to patient, Dr. Larkin will assess you at your complimentary consultation and give you his treatment time estimation. 

Orthodontic Appliances

Sometimes in treatment orthodontic appliances are necessary to make corrections. Dr. Larkin offers Herbst appliances as well as Rapid Palatal Expanders. Both of these appliances are bonded during the treatment stages mentioned above as needed.

Herbst Appliance

A Herbst appliance is a device that helps move the lower jaw forward to correct malocclusion. It is used in conjunction with braces and is worn for a year to help remodel the jaw. The appliance is designed with metal crowns that are cemented to all four first molars with rods that connect the upper crowns to the lower ones, which positions the lower jaw forward. The ideal time to start treatment with a Herbst appliance (if needed ) is around puberty when the patient is still growing and maturing.

Rapid Palatal Expander (RPE)

The rapid palatal expander is an orthodontic device that widens the upper jaw to create space for permanent teeth to erupt. This appliance is designed with metal bands that fit around the upper first molars with a bar that goes across the palate where a key is used to turn and expand the appliance, thus expanding the palate. Turning times vary and Dr. Larkin will demonstrate how to turn it and for how long before you leave the chair. Expanders are usually used in Phase 1 treatments and are worn for about 6 months.

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